Taco Bell tackles the shame around eating fast-food in your car

Eating fast food in the car has become an everyday occurrence for most Americans.

  • 56% of Americans admit to eating while driving on a semi-regular basis with 7% eating while driving everyday

  • Lunchtime is the most popular time for fast-food consumption, as 43.7% of consumers eat their fast food at this time, often in their cars.

This means that the car is responsible for a massive amount of fast food revenue every year. 


Despite its commonality, people still feel like eating fast food is a guilty indulgence. So they often eat it in their car because it's a private space, free of judgment. 

  • Nearly 45% of all fast food consumed in the US is eaten alone.


While Taco Bell ranks an impressive 4th overall in most popular fast food restaurants, the three restaurants ranking above it are famed for their easy-to-eat-in-the-car foods like burgers, breakfast sandwiches, and chicken nuggets. (McDonalds, Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A). 

Taco Bell is losing out to the lunch-break kings like McDonalds and Chick-fil-a because while foods like burgers rank as one of the most popular foods to enjoy in the car, tacos rank as one of the least popular choices.

And it’s obvious why:


But we know despite this mess, dedicated Taco Bell fans are determined to enjoy their favorite fast food in their vehicles. And they aren’t afraid to talk about it.

Our culture is plagued by fast food guilt, and these proud Taco Bell fans can be the cure.

We need to change the narrative around enjoying fast food in your car. From something individual and shameful, to something fun that can be shared.


Taco Bell lovers are proud to eat tacos with their car windows rolled down. 

Creative Idea:

Taco Bell Eating in Your Car Club

So what makes people feel proud? Being a part of a club. We asked ourselves if there already clubs surrounding cars, and there are: Car clubs. And what makes people proud to be part of them? They’re super fancy, over-the-top & exclusive. We need to create something like this for our car-eaters. So we’re making our own.

An exclusive club for people who eat in their car, open to the most loyal Taco Bell fans: Taco Bell Eating in Your Car Club

Like any exclusive club, we have to have exclusive swag.

  • Racer Jacket

  • Attachable steering wheel tray

  • Bib (for the inevitable taco mess)

  • Car freshener (taco scented of course)

  • Iron on patches

  • Member card

  • License plate frames (to make sure everyone else on the road knows how cool you are)

But how do people get in?

We’ll leverage the brand’s robust rewards program to find the most loyal Taco Bell fans. Not the top 3% of users, not the top 1%, but the top 0.1% of Taco Bell fans will be invited to join the exclusive club. These fans will be notified via the Taco Bell app.

Members will receive exclusive perks:

  • Access to club merch

  • A pass for an exclusive fast-pass drive thru lanes at our most popular locations

  • Access to the in-app “clubhouse” where member can chat with each other

  • Early access to new menu items

Lastly, we know In-person meet-ups are a cornerstone of car clubs, so we’re hosting our own.

Taco Bell will host an “Eating in Your Car Club Meat-up” at the Irvine, CA Headquarters.

The event will be an opportunity for members to meet each other and share their mutual love for Taco Bell. And of course, enjoy catered tacos.


Cat Clark (AD)

Kyle Rayo (CW)

My Role:

Secondary research (social listening, desk research)


Brief writing

Presentation story


Calla: A Brand New Breast Pump


Greenswell Growers